The history of the Iguadaily Nega society, the heirs of Masargandup , begins in the mid-18th century with the emigration of the Guna people from the Darién region, towards the coast of Guna Yala, formerly known as San Blas.
These migratory movements were mainly due to three factors.
- The pressure exerted by ethnic groups from Colombia, were bitter enemies of the Gunas whom they called “Jura” furious, brave and in turn the Gunas described these our brothers as “Pila” or “Nia” that means Devil.
- Fear infused by the Spanish people established in southern Chepigana, Yavisa, Pinogana, El Real and Cana.
- Among the biggest causes that influenced the movement are the epidemics that broke out in. Century XVIII. It should be understood that the movements were not made simultaneously, it was in differents times, places and durations. Thus, some moved to the east, others to the north and others to the west. Those from the west had been leaving in their journey several communities such as Guinobdi, Nargandi, Biria and later down the Madungandi River, Diwarsigga, Iggandi, Bindub, Gabbandi. All these communities were flooded by the artificial Lake Bayano by the dam of the same name (Bayano) and were located in other places where they are now. Facts happened in the decades of 70-80.
Over time, these groups emigrated across the Guna Yala’s mountains, known as San Blas, following the course of the rivers they reached the coast and populated communities such as Gardi and Wargandi. Among the groups that followed the western route came a persona named Baler.
Baler arrived with his family in the Urggandi region through the Massarggandí River.
One of Baler’s sons was called Merggi (American in the Guna language). His name is refered of he was traveling with his canoe, driven by a pole and sail, just as the American frigates did at that time. The steam engines for the boats began to be used in the last decades of the 19th century, that is to say in 1890, that’s why there are many names in Guna such as Simral, Charles, Robinson, Brown, etc.
Mergui had two woman, the sources do not talk about the children he had that can be many. We certainly know of one, by the reliable testimony of our great-grandparents and great-great grandparents. This one was called Henry.
Established the Merggi family in Nudub, it happened around of 3:00 am. and 4:00 a.m. On September 7, 1882, the seaquake that affected the entire coast of Guna Yala (known as San Blas Islands) and Colón. As a result of that seaquake, Nudub Island remained under water and its inhabitants, whose majority were the children and grandchildren of Merggi, were forced to move to other places.
Some went to Ailigandi, others to Wanungandi and others to Uggubseni.
Thus the Merggi family had been divided into three groups and migrated to the mentioned places.
Of these three groups, we can only talk about the group that migrated to Uggubseni, known as Playón Chico. Currently, in Uggubseni are their descendants and formed the Iguadaily Nega, the herits of Masargandub Island.
We have fairly clear and precise knowledge as our elders testify. With that group were two important people and well known to us, a woman and a man.
The woman’s name was Iguadaily and the man Henry. Both were brothers, children of Mergy.
Playón Chico, after that seaquake of 1882.
Iguadaily was married to Inanarggia. From this marriage were born many sons and daughters and a numerous offspring of second and third generation.
From Iguadaily with Inanarggia the following children were born who were our immediate elders or our grandparents and great grandparents.
- SIABIBI(murió 1952)
- ANTONIO AVILA’s Grandmother
- ARJONA’s Mother
- PEDRO SANCHEZ(Lived in Gardi)
- BUNA BIB (Lived in Gardi)
Descendants of Olowiginia(oldes son of Iguadaily)
- Wiliam Robinson
- Domitila Robinson
- Hermelinda Robinson
- Anilda Robinson(Adriano’s Mother)
- Amma Ela (Lived Tupile).
- Tubigginia ome (Lived Tupile).
Descendants of Ologgindibbe
- Fernando López
- Aneida y Nicia López
- David, murio Jöven
Descendants of Olowindibbe
- cristobal Urriola
- Matilde, Vitricio, Eustolio Urriola(grandchildren)
Descendants of Wagadoggi
- Manuel Paredes
- Miguel Paredes(Norberto’s sons, Rene, Demetrio, Sergio Glotilde, Rosa, Demistocles’s sons)
Descendants of Siabib
- José Manuel
- Mario Preciado
- Edigidibali mother of Alcibiades
- Eligio
- Eufrosina
- Emelina
- Florinda (mother of Iradelis) her sons and grandsons
- Miró’s wife, mother of Manibinigdiginia wife
- Nereida
- Elidia
- Malbina and her grandsons
- David Alvarado
- Mireya
- Genarina, her sons and grandsons
Descendants of Antonio Ávila’s Grandmother
- Guillermina’s Mother
- Antonio Avila’s Mother
- Dinuidi, boos of Guna Revolution
- Guillermina, mother of Horacio, Ismael and Ladislao.
I would like to finish this article, with thanks to Mr. Rolando Linares, president of the Iguadaily Nega, the heirs of Masargandup, for sharing the material and making it public so that we know the history of the Iguadaly Neg, the heirs of Masargandup.