Joe Brown Adventures is inspired by our great grandfather “John Brown”, who was a Guna who fought in the Guna Revolution in 1925.
The story goes that during the Panamanian police abuses in the region of San Blas, in the government of President Belisario Porras, an American anthropologist came to study the life of the Gunas. This man, seeing the abuse by Panamanian police, recommended that the people Dule, should take up arms and fight for their rights and sovereignty.
Our great-grandfather, was a skilled hunter, so he had a good shot and was known as “Sniper”. Dule their participation in the revolution of 1925 was very important because on day 0, was located in an area near Playon Chico airport and from there started making shots that would mark the destiny of our San Blas Islands
We will be creating more articles that deepen the different topics related to the region of Guna Yala on our Blog. Hopefully you enjoy this site and manage to reach the information they need.